You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 12, 2007.

tofu1.jpegApparently tofu is really evil, so evil it turns small children gay, that’s what I heard anyways. There is a so called news report floating around on the internet and you know when I first read it I thought, wow tofu turns kids gay. That’s pretty crazy, I couldn’t believed it, but then I started reading more on the so called news site World blah blah something or other. Which when you first look at it seems like a real news site with all this proof and facts. But if you take a closer look they turn out to be right winged, christian fundamentalist, red meat eating, commie, homophobes. So is there any truth to soy making kids gay ? Take a step back because the statement itself is quite ridiculous, kinda like saying the sky is falling, or if you eat red meat you’ll become more hetro. I cannot find any supporting facts to this claim. If the statement was true don’t you think everyone in china would be gay considering soy is one of the main staple’s of their diet. The only things I do find is that tofu is low fat, healthy, and a great alternative to meat. So to all you hippie moms out there don’t believe everything you read on the internet, especially when it’s coming from vegetarian haters. Feel free to feed your lactose intolerant toddlers soy milk. It won’t make them gay. Tofu is still good for you don’t believe the hype there chicken little.


January 2007